Sunday, March 24, 2013

9 months - She's on the move!

Now that Abigail is 9 months old, she seems to be more of a kid than a baby.  She has been working really hard this past month and has accomplished a lot. In the food department, she has learned to pick up finger foods and self feed.  She is also drinking from a cup with help (though I think more water ends up down her front than in her mouth). She is eating more of the foods that Mommy and Daddy eat as long as they are soft enough to gum.  Soon she will be chomping with a full set of teeth though, because she cut her first tooth this month.  We'd love to show the tooth off, but she is tight mouthed, so it is experienced more by touch than by sight.
Abigail has learned a lot of gross motor skills this month too.  She started by kicking her legs while on her tummy in an attempt to crawl.  With the right motivation (phones, iPad, light up toys, binkie, and almost anything we don't want her to get in to), she has now become quite the army crawler.

With her added mobility, she has learned to transition from sitting up to tummy and has almost mastered tummy to sitting.

Unfortunately her rolling and transitioning has carried over to the crib.  We have found her in many precarious situations.

Sometimes she will even fall asleep on her side or tummy (yeah the tummy still freaks us out, so we make sure to check on her when we see her face down on the monitor).

Other exciting developments include responding to hi by saying her best attempt of hi, problem solving to get toys that are out of reach, and banging items together and clapping her hands.

It is so fun to watch Abigail grow and learn.  We can't wait to see what the next month brings...

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