Tuesday, May 29, 2012


The funny thing about progress is it's really all around us.  It's in the wonderful animals at the Living Planet Aquarium...

First example: how did humans progress to be the dominant species on the planet?  Alison believes that humans once were jellyfish.... This is her Great Great Great Great... well you get the idea

Second example: how will human continue to progress?  Steve believes that one day he'll be the one carrying Abigail's brother or sister in his belly, just like the seahorse.

Third example: For progress on penguins please see Happy Feet & Happy Feet 2 (actually we can't in good conscience recommend either of these movies)

Final example:  Otters are cute.  Anyone who says that isn't progress is crazy!

For real progress around the Harris home take a look at photos from Abigail's room.  Alison and her mom put up vinyl lettering while Steve hung the pictures.

Purchases have been made to keep her things neat and organized.

Then there is light... thank you Thomas Edison

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Since Last Time

You may have noticed that we have been MIA on the blog front.  We kept meaning to post, but time got away from us and we couldn't find our camera cord to download photos.  And what is a blog without photos. But miracle of miracles, we found our camera cord... but after several attempts, we have been unable to upload all our photos.  So we will just give an abbreviated update...

In February we went to Zions where we went on some fun hikes and spent time with friends (pictures may be forthcoming).  It was Abigail's first official hike.

In March we went to Beauty and the Beast on Broadway at the Capitol theater and loved it.  Afterwards we went to Gateway and dropped into the Apple Store. We casually asked if they had any new iPads in stock and ended up walking away with one (we had actually been planning and saving for it, so only a slight impulse buy). We are excited to be able to take photos and videos of Abigail with it.  We have a few photos to share thanks to our new iPad:

Our 2nd Easter as a married couple, we filled Easter baskets and searched for them on Saturday.  Then on Sunday, we were able to spend time with family and focus on the love of our Savior.

We are making more and more progress with our nursery.  We were able to assemble the furniture together: crib, changing table, dresser, rocker and ottoman.

Then on April 21, we had "sewing day" where Alison, Alison's mom Kathy, and Steve's mom Shirley cut out material and began working on drapes, window cushions, pillows, bumpers, bed skirt, and valence.  While the women were busy sewing, Steve was doing the home improvement work.  We are excited to be able to post pictures of the final results.

Lastly, we wanted to give a view of the growing baby bump, week by week.