A few weeks ago we had our 20 week ultrasound for baby number 2. The ultrasound technician took her sweet time looking at all the organs and so forth before revealing the baby's gender. Everything looked like it was developing well and baby had a strong heartbeat. It was such a miracle to see that little heart fluttering away. Our little one was very active--moving around, waving, and making it a bit challenging to capture all that needed to be seen. But in the end, we were able to find out...
It's a girl!!! Here's how we announced it via picture:
We are each holding up the type of chromosome that we gave to baby #2 (i.e. XX=girl). I was a bit surprised to learn that we were expecting another girl because I kept getting boy vibes. But, we are so excited to be having another girl. We love the idea of Abigail having a sister and hope they will be the best of friends, roommates, and sisters. It's also nice to already have all the girly basics, because we totally went all girl when buying for Abigail. We have decided on a name for baby also. We will be naming her Bethany. We are still deciding on a middle name, but some of the top contenders are Kae (to rhyme with Abigail's middle name of Mae, and also as a tribute to our 3 wonderful mothers: Shirley Kay, Kathy, and Kim), Kate, or Rose.

The same day we had our ultrasound, we also received the news that our dear Great-Grandma Luella (Steve's great grandma) had finally passed away. She was 97 and had lived a long and happy life. The past few years have been a struggle for her as she has suffered with Alzheimer's. Of course it was sad to hear the news that she had died, but we were mostly happy for the reunion she was having with her loved ones that had already passed years ago. Thankfully we were able to travel down to Ramah, NM for her funeral. It was a beautiful weekend spent with family as we remembered her life. Many of Grandma Luella's descendants were able to come. It was also Abigail's first trip to the little town of Ramah, where Steve spent many childhood summers. It is a special place to our family, especially to him. Here are some pictures of the weekend:
Laughing in the car |
Sleeping in the car |
Fun with cousins in Grandpa and Grandma's trailer |
Some of the boys (L to R: TJ, Steve, Nick) |
Abigail playing at Papa and Grams |
Our family in front of Papa and Grams house with the beautiful blue sky |
And for those of you who want to see, here are is the weekly progression of my belly (minus week 20, when we were too busy/forgot):

Is it just me, or did my belly totally pop out at 23 weeks!