She had fun hanging out with cousins (and Aunts, Uncle, and Grandparents), going on a hike, and going swimming for the first time.
Mommy and Abigail have been on some fun play dates: meeting friends at the Thanksgiving Point Farm, where Abigail rode a pony for the first time; having lunch at Cafe Rio with friends, and going to the park.
We also celebrated flag day at Daddy's work with a flag ceremony and J Dawgs.
And one of the most exciting things we've done is celebrating Abigail's first birthday!!! We threw her a butterfly themed birthday party. Mommy made her a special shirt with a 1 and some butterflies.
There were caterpillar eggs (Starburst jellybeans), caterpillars (Sour Brite Crawlers), and a butterfly cake and cupcakes.
We had lots of family and some close friends who were able to come. Abigail did great. She had fun opening gifts, she was a little mystified by everyone singing "Happy Birthday" to her, and she hesitated, but then dug into her cake. It was a fun celebration!
And finally, an update on all Abigail has been learning and doing since last we wrote: She can walk with a walker, can stand for ~30 seconds without support, loves to climb over or up anything, is experimenting with coming down the stairs on her own, is learning to put shapes into a shape sorter (still needs lots of help, but gets the concept), pushes balls through the hole on her toys, can toss a ball back and forth, and loves getting into anything and everything! Such a fun age!